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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HxC Rules !

Took me quite some time to start searching for HxC shows, and local bands here, but I finally met some people in the scene, and I'll try to stay updated on that from now on.

A few weeks ago, I went to see Arkangel for the first time along with Martyrs and Bloodshot. I was very surprised to discover Arkangel now features pretty much half of former Paris HxC band Es La Guerilla. I miss those guys ! It brought back some good memories of past HxC shows and the Paris scene from a few years back... Anyway, I love the pic above... I guess it represents what I like in Hardcore : some sort of a violent outlet to our daily worries, and openness to other cultures that people may not expect because they believe HxC is all about wearing black clothes, long hair, and eating babies ! lol

For more pics of that show, check out my flickr page :

Beauty And The Beast

I was driving around, coming back from a quick skate session at the Gardanne Ditch, when i spotted that big factory, hidden behind a wall of trees. The name of the yet-to-exist post immediately came to my mind, because of that paradox between the fountain and the flowers in the foreground and the factory in the back.
What I didn't know yet was that there was way more to it than just a couple shots... I went around, then inside the train station, and followed the railroad, stopping every 2 meters in awe because of a train car, railroad stuff, or that fascinating factory behind the fences... A couple hours later, my first real photoshoot since I moved to Southern France was in the books, and I was heading back home, with a satisfied mind...
I'm probably weird in some way, but I can't help finding that beautiful...
What do you think ?

More shots here :

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